Saturday, July 15, 2017

Flower pot pop up card version one

I came across one of the tutorials in you tube on how to create a pop up card. It used a thinlit by Keren Burniston unfortunately there is no supplier of this thinlit in NZ, the closest supplier is  Australia . Having  watched the tutorial and my experience in creating cards I have managed to make my version of this pop up card without using a thinlit.
So here is the transition on how I eventually managed to get to my final design.
The first was a big trial and error with lots of measuring and remeasuring before gluing things together. The main emphasis on this was how to make the pot with the lattice inside. I only used two strips to make the lattice hence making four quadrants. It was easy as I have done this before. The next challenge was how to make the tab to get the pot to pop up. So, had to reproduce the pot and the card base component using a paper and then assembled it to see if I got the idea right. Hello, pesto it WORKED! So with the aid of the template I was able to position the tab at the right place and I got my first popping card structure done. The putting together of the flowers etc was really just based on the colours I used for the base and the pot. So here come the card.
The front of the card.

The inside of the card.

The close look of the pot.

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